- Aug 09 Sun 2009 23:34
- Aug 09 Sun 2009 23:33
新浪娱乐讯 8月9日18时30分,2009新城国语力颁奖礼在香港隆重举行。新浪音乐全程视频直播本次活动盛况。图为歌手张智成的一曲《迷魂阵》获得新城国语力新势力歌曲。Tungstar/图
- Aug 07 Fri 2009 10:45
张智成问梁静茹借钱度日 替表妹结婚传闻高兴
张智成问梁静茹借钱度日 替表妹结婚传闻高兴
{中国/Tom.com} 2009年8月7日 香港马来西亚歌手张智成休息四年多,早前自资推出新碟《暗恋》再战乐坛,他坦言曾经因为压力大而想过放弃,后来到世界各地旅游散心,重新认识自己,他说:“现在已经放松了好多,工作都开心好多。” 四年来负面新闻不绝,曾经传出他欠房租,又指他经济出现问题,张智成说:“这次就自资出专辑证明一切啊,可能我台湾和马来西亚两边走,这些钱调动有问题,我都试过问表妹梁静茹借着,有就还给她。”
同样来自马来西亚,难免跟亲表妹梁静茹的成就有所比较,但张智成乐观表示:“每个人的际遇和运气都不同,我自己满意就 OK。”
- Aug 06 Thu 2009 21:15
張智成 不倒翁~
- Aug 05 Wed 2009 19:21
張智成 兩個只能選一個!
- Aug 01 Sat 2009 00:00
台灣排行榜 ~ 張智成《暗戀》專輯
佳佳唱片行 統計日期:2009/07/21-2009/07/27
《暗戀》首周第5名 第2周即攀升亞軍
五大唱片 統計日期:2009/07/24-2009/07/30
- Jul 31 Fri 2009 10:50
星光10強網友決定 周五節目Live揭曉
星光10強網友決定 周五節目Live揭曉
(2009/07/31 00:59)
- Jul 31 Fri 2009 07:53
8月 MY FM 全台 DJ 暗戀張智成 全力護航參與 KUSO 音樂廣播劇演出
8月 MY FM 全台 DJ 暗戀張智成 全力護航參與 KUSO 音樂廣播劇演出
{大馬/28Stage.com} 早前在馬展開 40 場巡迴簽唱的 R&B 王子張智成,也許太久沒有囘馬與大家近距離接觸,1個半月的西馬走透透獲得熱烈的回響,每到之處都獲得歌迷的擁護,讓智成感覺窩心並希望接下來的日子能在國内多個地方展開小型的售票音樂會,把喜歡的音樂和大家好好分享。
重新回歸樂壇,可以明顯看到智成的付出更為努力更爲勇敢,一份耕耘一份收穫,除了《暗戀》專輯是努力的成品,智成也在《暗戀》專輯后努力到各地展開宣傳和進行了許多的媒體專訪和演出,用功之處大家有目共睹。回首去年配合 MY FM 電臺10周年台慶,張智成以 Zorro 懞面俠的造型重新踏上表演的舞台,大家的耳朵幸福地重獲這把難得的好聲音。回歸1年之際,因爲配合臺灣專輯宣傳演出而無法答應參與 MY FM 電臺的11周年台慶演出的張智成,早前有誠意地召集了 MY FM 全台 DJ,一起錄製了完全脫離張智成形像、非常 Kuso 搞笑的音樂廣播劇送給 MY FM 作爲11歲的生日禮物。大家可要拭目以待 MY FM 整個8月的連續播出,每週都會配合節目單元不同時段播出,慾想聆聽此難得的 Kuso 音樂廣播劇可要留意以下節目播出的時間咯!
<MY FM 張智成 KUSO 音樂廣播劇之暗戀>播出時間表
MY FM 張智成 KUSO 音樂廣播劇之暗戀 [陽光燦爛]
首播:03/8(一)~ 07/8(五)9am
MY FM 張智成 KUSO 音樂廣播劇之暗戀 [菲比101教室]
首播:10/8(一)~ 14/8(五)11am
MY FM 張智成 KUSO 音樂廣播劇之暗戀 [勤意咖啡舘]
首播:17/8(一)~ 21/8(五)3pm
MY FM 張智成 KUSO 音樂廣播劇之暗戀 [四通八達]
首播:24/8(一)~ 28/8(五)7pm
MY FM 張智成 KUSO 音樂廣播劇之暗戀 [賈森夜航班]
首播:31/8(一)~ 04/9(五)9pm
此外,之前錯過了6月12日在馬來西亞和6月30在香港屬於張智成個人 Live Band 音樂會演出的朋友們,也不要忘記在8月1日和國慶日8月31日留守 Astro TVB8 和 AEC 的轉播咯。有関播出詳情如下:
01/8(六)8-9pm TVB8(CH313) 《迷戀。張智成》香港音樂會
31/8(一)4-6pm AEC(CH301) 《暗戀。張智成》大馬 2009 Live Band 音樂會
更多的媒體曝光詳情,敬請可以瀏覽 28Stage 網站 www.28stage.com 或智成的官方 facebook http://www.new.facebook.com/zchen.zchen
- Jul 30 Thu 2009 23:10
Z hit by two blows in a year
Deaths of his idol MJ & buddy jolt him to rethink what he wants to achieve in life
WHEN Z Chen left the music industry abruptly four years ago, it fuelled talk that he had been dropped by his record company.
Not true, said the youthful-looking Malaysian singer, 36, who was in Singapore recently to promote his comeback album Enchanted.
Z shot to fame in 2002 with his mellow, soulful vocals, earning him the moniker Little Prince of R&B.
In an interview with The New Paper at Meritius Mandarin Hotel, he cleared the air; saying that it was 'a conscious move on his part'.
'I was disheartened and slightly depressed by the entertainment scene, so I simply didn't renew my contract when it ended in March 2005,' he said.
'The paparazzi turned up one day at my apartment in Taipei, armed with cameras, just as I was about to move out.
'Before I could do anything, they had taken a picture of me and somehow painted my whole situation as 'being down and out'.'
But Z said that he was simply tired and burnt-out.
'I was based in Taipei for years. But I realised I didn't know the city well,' he said.
'That was the result of working non-stop. I didn't know what Taipei's trademark delicacies were, (or) where the fun places were.
'And I didn't even have many Taiwanese friends.'
Things started changing when he began his self-imposed sabbatical.
He took time to relax and recharge.
Apart from visiting the local hot springs regularly, he cycled around town and queued up with the common folk to buy titbits.
'I became a normal person and my spirits were soon lifted,' he said.
'My friends and I played tennis in the afternoons, then hit the clubs at night.'
The avid traveller also toured frequently.
One of his most memorable trips was to Las Vegas, where he shared the same stage with US R&B singer Toni Braxton.
'Being a big fan, how could I miss her concert?' he said, beaming from ear to ear.
As fate would have it, Z was called onstage to sing one of her hit songs Another Sad Love Song with her.
'I happened to know every word of the lyrics.
'Of course, she (referring to Braxton) didn't know I was a singer. But it just felt so good standing next to her, with the crowd cheering us on.'
New perspective
Two recent deaths - of his idol and his best friend - have altered his perspective on life and work.
Z's idol is none other than King of Pop Michael Jackson, who died following a cardiac arrest last month.
'In his 50 years, MJ excelled in his career but it was sad that he gradually didn't have a life outside of his pop-star persona anymore,' he said with a sigh.
'Once in a while, we need a break; it's good to take a step back from our hurried lives.'
It was the second blow in a year for Z when he lost his good friend Taiwanese balladeer Ah Sang, 34, who died of breast cancer in April.
He was 'extremely saddened'.
'I'd advise everyone to take every opportunity to catch up with friends. There is no point in procrastinating,' he said.
'Also, just go ahead and do whatever you've always dreamt of doing.'
For now, Z is putting his heart into working on Enchanted, which is 'very much a hands-on effort' compared with previous albums.
'In the past, I wasn't involved in my albums' behind-the-scenes work or post-production.
'I wasn't required to and, at the same time, I didn't think I had the ability to do so,' he said.
'Now, it's totally different. Taking a hands-on, DIY (do-it-yourself) approach, I realise I have learnt a lot besides singing.'
- Jul 30 Thu 2009 10:23
澳門今年吹起歐美風 台灣人氣歌手威尼斯人8月High翻天
澳門今年吹起歐美風 台灣人氣歌手威尼斯人8月High翻天
2009/07/29 23:45旅遊中心/綜合報導
炎炎夏日來場動感的演唱會是最消暑的選擇,澳門威尼斯人渡假村於本週六(8/1)開始將在金光綜藝館接連推出一連串的精采演唱會,網羅台灣人氣歌手李聖傑、陶喆,還有現今美國最火紅的人氣天團Linking Park 以及Lady Gaga等多組藝人,要給遊客最難忘的暑假回憶。
陶喆深情的陶式情歌、Linking Park爆發力的嘶吼,今年夏天都可以在澳門聽見,澳門威尼斯人渡假村為迎接暑假人潮,特別在亞洲設備最完善的表演會館「金光綜藝館」推出一連串的娛樂節目,從8月1日開始到8月16日的演唱會,集合台灣及美國等多位重量級歌手將帶來國際級水平的娛樂節目。
除了集合亞洲多位人氣歌手,今年的澳門也吹起了一股歐美風,國際級搖滾天團Linking Park以及頂著招牌白金妹妹頭、美國最炙手可熱的Lady Gaga,8月15、16日也要在金光綜藝館火爆開唱,以絢麗的舞台和勁歌熱舞創造出滿足歌迷的視覺饗宴。
澳門威尼斯人渡假村佔地1050萬平方呎,是亞洲最大的單幢式酒店,整合大型博彩娛樂、會展、酒店、活動表演及Shopping Mall於一體,將澳門打造為亞洲娛樂之都,而8月一連串精采萬分的歌唱表演,勢必將帶給遊客一個難忘的美好經驗。(新聞來源:東森新聞)